All tagged community arts projects
Sometimes it may take years for ideas to come to fruition. Artists need to keep hope alive so their work is received by receptive audiences, even if their art is ahead of its time. That’s why it is important to hold fast to stories of hope, to keep persevering, keep creating, keep showing up for yourself until the time is ripe for ideas to take root and flourish.
You can move away from a town, but it can still draw you back to it. Returning to the small town of Mansfield to honour the life of a friend, was also a process of honouring and integrating the many parts of my own life.
The idea that we all can participate in the giving and receiving of stories via cultural rituals, community theatre, festivals and other events, is integral to many cultures. Art is a form of citizenship, to be celebrated and valued through the telling of stories.
How do you turn your dreams into reality? Imagination! When you imagine something and then action it, you manifest your dreams. Imagination is the language of the soul, according to Albert Einstein. When I come up with crazy wild ideas, it’s usually because I have read some story in a book which has fired up my imagination. Like my play If There Be Dragons from 1998.
What is it that we do in the world, by what deeds do we wish to be remembered.