All tagged online courses

Gambling on Yourself

The only way to grow is to expand your thinking. I’ve invested in myself many times over even when I didn’t have the money upfront. It has always paid off although I couldn’t see the outcome at the start. Gamble on your creativity - for hard work and investing in yourself pay off.

Voyaging Home

These days home has become both an origin and destination. All my travelling is now through art. Knots and fishing nets, text in collages and making maps all feature in the mini courses I have been creating this month to share.

Armchair Travels

While we can’t travel during social lockdown, we can armchair travel. Use this time to document your experiences during the pandemic, however gruelling it is. For it will never come again, just like I will never travel in a horse and cart again. Join me while we Armchair Travel to transform our experiences and travel into art.

Crazy, weird creative

I am preparing my Dare to Create course, gathering inspiration, hunting and gathering from life experience as ideas turn into actions. Being creative is a little like being a weird little beast. You are inspired by seemingly random things which later turn into works of art. Its about follow small intuitive steps steps and trusting the creative process.

Wearing Red

It’s a real statement to wear red. I’ve never bought or owned a red dress until this week when I wanted to celebrate launching my online course Creative Calendars. It defies the unspoken but strongly held belief that ‘good girls’ don’t wear red.