All in create through crisis

This Too Shall Pass

Liberation comes in many forms. Mine came from tearing up years of my Morning Pages journals and immersing them in a vat of water ready to turn into paper. Not only the start of a new project but also a new way to look at the impermanence of life. That when things feel too hard to bear, “this too shall pass”.

Stress or Rest

The heart in stress or at rest? When we feel engulfed in chaos, we are challenged to ‘take heart’. On this Australia/Invasion Day in Australia, I am remembering all the protests of the past decades which have resulted in changing government policies or mainstream attitudes. The pictures of my heart remind me of the beating heart of Planet Earth, connecting us all on our one world.

Mapping Chaos

When systems fall into chaos, it’s time to get creative and start imaginative mapping. Creating a visual representation of how you want life to look helps bring that future into reality. Chaos and entropy are natural parts of systems under pressure and from them can emerge new order and stability. Hold that thought!!!

Finding Peace

Its a challenge of our times to find peace when all around descends into chaos. I have been repurposing circles of paper I made during the pandemic when we were all forced to stay within our homes. These circles became cyanotypes, the blue and white layers become portals of peace.

Chance and Serendipity

Art and war, chance and serendipity. Intertwining themes for me this week as I attended the Collect art fair at Somerset House in London. How do you make art when all around you is in turmoil.? What role do textiles play in helping to mend the world and disrupt the narrative?

Pulling Weeds

Anxiety can stop you from being excited at starting a new art project, big or small. This can threaten to overwhelm your self-confidence. What to do? It’s like pulling weeds. There are two choices: strategic retreat or tackling the problem sideways.

Ordering Chaos

When you’re feeling unhinged and not quite in touch with your inner self, look around for the tools you have to hand to put some structure back into your life. This helps turn experience into beauty, transforming the chaos into poetic metre, a daily ode to life told line by line, word by word, image by image.

Year in Review 2020

When the world went into lockdown and my travel plans were cancelled, I brought the world to me. The view outside my window became a portal into the chaotic world outside and my daily lives on social media helped inspire others to keep creating through crisis. I learnt that home can be the best source of inspiration.

The Marigold Antidote

The Marigold Antidote, it’s medicine for the soul when it feels weary and is suffering from general malaise. Finding joy in the day is the active ingredient. Like marigolds in flower, that sunny splash or orange inspires painting and writing. Creative antidotes to pandemic days.

Armchair Travels

While we can’t travel during social lockdown, we can armchair travel. Use this time to document your experiences during the pandemic, however gruelling it is. For it will never come again, just like I will never travel in a horse and cart again. Join me while we Armchair Travel to transform our experiences and travel into art.

Fractal Figures

With all the terrible news of escalating deaths around the world, I feel the need to go within, to remember to give thanks and to laugh. I have created a fractal map to colour in and created quirky characters with them for a bit of fun. It’s my way to revitalise my daily arts practice and keep me on track while the world spins crazily out of control.