Small Circles, Big Dreams
Create small and often is something I recommend. When the world outside feels overwhelming, small creative acts can help stabilise and centre you in achievable ways.
This month I have been creating with ink again and have found a strong circular theme evolving. Each morning I drop ink into water and watch the colours blending together. These inks give vibrant colours. They make me feel happy and create pictures (almost) by themselves.
They have become circles of connection, a theme which I have taken into my larger works, including making a huge world of paper last week in the Imagine Peace Activation. Which came first, the world or the circle? Or perhaps they influence each other.
I now have 12 circular images which I will use for next year’s calendar which encapsulate this year for me. Circles of containment, of silence or inner work as the world outside my window goes round in circles of chaos. I put out the impulse of peace in the hope that I too will find peace within.
Each breath a gift in this time of world breathlessness, of us and the lungs of the world too, struggling to breathe. Breathe in, breathe out. A circular event that keeps our body alive.
For the past two years my calendars have been about travel. It seems so long ago and the world has now come a full circle. We are reconsidering the need for travel and wonder if it will be possible in the near future. So we have hung this world of paper up in the creative M-Arts precinct of Murwillumbah. Another artist Amelia, has contributed a wish tree and peace wall hanging in the spirit of Yoko Ono’s wish tree. Tie a coloured thread on its bare branches and make a wish. Perhaps it will come true. Small acts, big dreams.
Imagine Peace Paper World and wish tree in the M-Arts precinct with Amelia from Mealie-Art.