The Marigold Antidote
View from my kitchen window - marigolds in bloom.
When you create a daily artwork it’s sometimes hard to keep the inspiration happening. I’ve been going live every day during the pandemic to give me a focus, a project that would ensure I got out of bed, dressed and ready for my studio at 9am. By doing this I have been able to keep my spirits up and hopefully inspire others to feel a bit inspired as well.
The other day I stood by my kitchen window, hands in warm water washing the dishes knowing that I needed to find some inspiration for the day’s artwork. When I looked through the window I saw that the marigolds had finally flowered. That sunny splash of orange was enough to kickstart my creativity.
Later when I wrote about it on my Instagram account, the title that came to me it was The Marigold Antidote, medicine for the soul when it felt weary and was suffering from general malaise. Finding that joy in the day is the active ingredient.
I start my daily videos with a weather report, what is the day looking like outside my window. How am I feeling inside myself? This is a necessary check in, a little ritual I find myself doing to keep track of the days and document my life in the time of Covid-19.
It’s a bit like tapping the barometer to check the pressure – storm coming, buckle up or clear skies ahead and smooth sailing. For it is a journey, this life.
I look to starboard and there’s a splash of floral colour, to port a pattern of shadows dancing in the light. Straight ahead I see pink and green striped foliage which look like clusters of fireworks. They were inspiration for another day’s artwork. On my window ledge are shells and dried grasses. All become talismans waiting to be activated.
I surround myself with these objects of my affection, each carries a story waiting to be unravelled and spun. Like the indigo dyed scarf I bought from a Saturday market in Lasalle, France. I am back in that market place discussing the beautiful patterns on it and the seller is showing me the most chic way to wear it. These patterns became inspiration for A Study in Blue. These are my antidotes to the pandemic. Now I’m off to plant more marigolds….
The Marigold Antidote
A Study in Blue