Where do you put your money? Less You Want to Draw the Heat (detail) 2020. Stitched collage.
My parents had different money beliefs. The story of how they grew their wealth was mostly to do with their different belief systems and I am a product of both. Investing in yourself and hard work both pay dividends.
My father was a small business owner. He was a hard worker who put in the hours 8am to 6pm 5 days a week and even kept the doors of his pharmacy open on the weekends. His belief was that hard work and customer service pays off.
My mother was a conservative gambler. She started organising the sweep amongst the neighbours for the Melbourne Cup when I was in high school and then saved enough to start betting on the racing season, the Cox Plate, Oaks Day and of course, the big race. Her belief was that if she followed the form guides and jockeys, she could take small gambles and they would pay off.
They both held to their beliefs. My mum became quite independently wealthy on the stock market, my dad supported the family but gradually became disillusioned with work later in life and retired as soon as he could sell his shop.
I am a product of both their ways of thinking. I have learned that the only way to grow is to expand your thinking. For me that meant leaving a safe job, several times, and trying out new things. Experimenting, failing, getting up and trying another tack.
I’ve invested in myself many times over even when I didn’t have the money upfront. It has always paid off even though I couldn’t see the outcome at the start.
I took courses on filmmaking and went overseas to film in Timor Leste, I bought the latest film and computer equipment when I had the money and then sold my skills to make films. I pitched ideas for projects to people. Some were successful, many weren’t.
In 2019 I left my job again for good and learnt about the online world of courses and coaching. Because I believed that it would lead somewhere even when I couldn’t see the outcome.
People believed in me and I learnt to believe in myself.
I regularly put myself out there with exhibition proposals, entries and projects. I no longer feel disappointed when they don’t come through, its good practice for the next one. I was rejected for another residency application. It was a good proposal but it didn’t make it - this time.
So now I am sharing this conservative gambling. About trusting in the process to bank on yourself, your creativity and all that you have inside of you waiting to come out.
When is the best time to invest in yourself ? Now! Registrations are now open for my 8 week course Dare to Create. There’s never a better time than now to move forward with your creative goals and bank on your future. Because who knows what the future holds in these uncertain times. Creativity brings you joy and that’s got to be a good thing!