All tagged handmade paper

Talking with my Hands

Whenever I make new art, I ‘talk’ to my materials with my hands; moving papers around, ripping some up, stitching some together, folding and glueing. It's what I've been doing as I get ready for my exhibition, Paper at The Centre, Beaudesert, QLD in January.

What if?

When you’re feeling dissatisfied with the unresolved pieces lying around, look at the work with new eyes. ‘What if’ is always a good place to start as it gets the creative juices flowing.

Finding the Still Centre

As we spend more time alone, it starts to build a pattern of going deeper within. I can feel my thoughts drifting, emptying as I spend more time with my innermost being. For the past seven weeks I have been making circles of paper, from reds and orange through blues and greens and now emptying into white, the still centre as I’m learning to trust and let go of control.

Why make paper?

Making paper is a very labour intensive process. So why make paper? Handmade paper can be used to embed concepts into your project, especially when it comes to environmental projects.

Start here

Clay and paper experiments to further an artistic collaborative project gives me inspiration for my upcoming residency in Central Australia.