No answers, just questions
Equinox Full Moon ( the turning of the seasons) - 2019
How do we interpret the events that happen in our life both big and small? Our feelings, our passions, what we read, reflect upon, our ideas and ideals?
In my own art practice I use collage as a way of bringing together the disparate parts of my life. Taking bits from here and there, stitching them together, interweaving them into stories with new narratives. By the act of doing, my often chaotic life starts to make sense. I can map my way through it, find new directions.
This week, two of my works were in the c.a.s.e. postcard exhibition in Mullumbimby. They are works I am really happy with as they are a resolution of my experiences and thinking to date. When this exhibition opportunity came up, I knew I had something I could use.
I took a cyanotype created on store bought art paper and another cut down screen print. Both were remnants from other exhibitions I had already been in or were upcoming. With these incredibly smooth papers, I found the features I liked and cut them down to postcard size. I worked around the motifs I liked, the circular moon and stippled sky, then combined other papers and found objects to create a story. Both remind me of that desert experience but have become enrichened with the layering of time and place. Here is one object that speaks of change and another that speaks of keys.
These placemaking collages are of the landscape, what I stand on but also what I stand for. Connection to the natural and cosmic world, the turning of the seasons, the wheel of life. I stand on the desert salt pans and need a key to interpret this ancient land of dreamings. I don’t have the answers but maybe the questions are the starting point for new discoveries…
Desert Salt Pans (map/key) 2019