Art & Travel
The daily art practice
Art & travel tag a day 14-1-18
Welcome to 2018. I like to start each year off with a new art project. This year I have returned to my default art practice of creating a small collage a day as a visual and written witness of a day's events. This year I have already started creating them on shipping tags then posting them on Instagram.
When I stopped my daily blog and art work a day project in June 2016, I was midway through my Visual Arts Honours course and quite exhausted. I was writing a weekly blog about my research and felt that two blogs was one too many. So for a year I have not encapsulated those small and great moments in each day that together make 365 memories. I realise I miss it!
This daily art practice keeps me connected to my life, my thoughts and my materials. It celebrates small acts of creativity and is a mnemonic device which I can use as a reference for the myriad events which mark a year.
So this year I am creating collages and mixed medium artworks on shipping tags, writing a three line poem on the reverse and posting it online. Shipping tags being a very small and portable item which can be taken on my upcoming travels in UK and Europe in April, May and June.
I've got an exciting project all lined up as a way to share my travels, so stay tuned....