It's about changing the world
Children in Venilale, Timor Leste
I’ve been making videos today. Small three minute ones on my phone. It’s a far cry from when I had to lug a heavy camera and tripod running down a street in Venilale Timor Leste to film a parade for the anniversary of the country’s independence from Indonesia.
I think back to those days and wonder how I ever did it. After the filming was the editing suite, frame by frame cutting and splicing. That was quicker than when I learnt to do film editing in high school and we were literally cutting the 8mm film with a mechanical cutting device, then sticking the two ends together with special film sticky tape. Technology has come a long way since those times. Somethings change, some things stay the same.
Yesterday I was talking to a visitor about art, film and my other creative life down in Victoria all those years ago. It was a circuitous conversation, starting off talking about the process of making paper, then onto creative community projects I’ve been involved in over the years and finally back to paper again.
When she was leaving she said, “it’s not really about the paper is it?”
I replied; “No, it’s about changing the world.”
Which brings me to the point of this post today. Its not necessarily the medium, but it is the message. What is the story we want to communicate? What is the best way to do it? How do we change the world if not one person at a time. For me creativity in whatever form changes you, expands your horizons, brings hope.
During that first visit to Timor Leste in 2004, it was obvious that our delegation of ten could not change the conditions in the small village of Venilale in a short time. We could only do what we could; offer the hand of friendship. Slowly over the course of the last 15 years, the village has become more prosperous. Less children die from childhood diseases and malnutrition, more students are educated. Most importantly more townspeople in Mansfield, Victoria feel connected to the Timorese one person, one heart at a time.
I believe that all change starts with one person. When we become happier within ourselves we are able to share this joy and happiness with others, the ripples spread and we might touch one person, in turn they touch another and so change spreads. It helps us get through those tough times when we feel powerless to do anything. Now more than ever we need change.
Back to the three minute videos. I’ve been making these to share to spread the joy of creativity. So that people who think they are too old/too time poor/don’t know where to start/ haven’t got an artistic bone in their body etc can have a go at something creative to become happier within themselves. To try out doing something for five minutes of their day rather than spending that five minutes scrolling through social media watching other people do things.
To check out some videos and tips in a creative community, join my Art From Your Heart Facebook group.
Waterfront scene, Dili, Timor Leste 2009. All that blue calm sky makes me happy.